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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"King's Speech" and tradition triumph at Oscars

Hollywood found a new group of kings lording over movies on Monday, the makers of Oscar winner "The King's Speech," whose heartwarming tale triumphed over a flashy story of new technology in "The Social Network."
"King's Speech" claimed four Oscars -- best film, actor for Colin Firth, director and screenplay -- with a traditional story of a British monarch defeating personal demons. It featured World War Two-era costumes, sweeping sets and a royal tale that seemed bigger than life itself.
The British movie entered Sunday's Oscars, the world's top film honors, in a tight race for best film with "The Social Network," which chronicled the rise of Facebook from a website dreamed up in a college dormitory to an Internet sensation.


Neil Killion said...

The Kings Speech won because it hit such a nerve with people. Anyone who had to give a speech at one time felt this way.

Erika Price said...

It was an amazing, totally engrossing film - I loved it ..... and I quite fancy Colin Firth too :)

Unknown said...

I liked it very much and Firth give justice to the role.I watched it three times already..

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